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Code of Conduct

Staff, volunteers and contractors at Carnegie Toy Library are required to abide by this Code of Conduct. 

Carnegie Toy Library recognises, respects and promotes its responsibilities to keep children safe from abuse, and commits to ensuring the safety of children as a first priority. We value diversity and will not tolerate child abuse or discriminatory practices. 

The Code of Conduct aims to protect children and reduce opportunities for child abuse or harm to occur. It is intended to complement Carnegie Toy Library’s other related policies. 

The Code of Conduct applies to the broad range of situations where interaction with children and young people may occur in the delivery of our services, including through digital technology and social media.

The President, will: 

  • be responsible for the overall welfare and wellbeing of staff and volunteers

  • be accountable for managing and maintaining a duty of care towards staff and volunteers

  • act as our child safety officer to provide information and support to all staff, volunteers, children, young people and their carers regarding child safety matters. 

All people involved in toy library services will: 

  • work towards achieving the aims and purposes of the organisation

  • take all reasonable steps to protect children from abuse and harm

  • establish and maintain a child-safe environment for children and young people 

  • be fair, considerate and honest in their dealings with others

  • work with children in an open and transparent way

  • treat children and young people with respect and value their ideas and opinions

  • encourage children to participate in matters important to them

  • act as positive role models in their conduct with children and young people and model appropriate adult behaviour

  • listen to children and respond to their needs appropriately

  • be professional in their actions

  • maintain strict impartiality

  • not exhibit behaviours with children which may be construed as unnecessarily physical 

  • respect the privacy of children and their families and carers, and disclose information about them only to people who have a need to know

  • operate within the policies and guidelines of Carnegie Toy Library including adhering to the Child Safety Policy, at all times

  • report any allegations of child abuse to the President

  • contact the police if a child is at immediate risk of abuse (phone 000).

Staff, volunteers and contractors shall work to prevent discrimination and actively promote the participation and inclusion of all children, recognising in particular: 

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people

  • children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

  • children with a disability

  • children who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans

  • children who are intersex, non-binary or gender diverse

  • children in and out of home care and the youth justice system

Staff, volunteers and contractors shall not: 

  • shame, humiliate, oppress, belittle or degrade children or young people

  • unlawfully discriminate against any child or young person, including because of age, gender, race, culture, vulnerability, sexuality, ethnicity, religion or disability

  • seek to use children in any way to meet the needs of adults

  • ignore or disregard any concerns, suspicions or disclosure of child abuse or harm

  • engage in any activity with a child or young person that is likely to physically or emotionally harm them

  • initiate unnecessary physical contact with a child or young person, or do things of a personal nature for them that they can do for themselves

  • be alone with a child or young person unnecessarily and for more than a very short time

  • develop a “special” relationship with a specific child or young person for their own needs

  • show favouritism through the provision of gifts or inappropriate attention

  • arrange contact, including online contact, with children or young people outside of the toy library’s activities

  • have unauthorised contact with children and young people in person, online or by phone

  • photograph or video a child or young person without the consent of the child and their parents or guardians

  • work with children or young people while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs

  • engage in open discussions of a mature or adult nature in the presence of children

  • use inappropriate language or behaviour, including discriminatory or oppressive language or behaviour, in the presence of children

  • do anything in contravention of the organisation’s policies, procedures or this Code of Conduct.


Consequences of breaching the Child Safety Code of Conduct 

A breach of this Code of Conduct by a staff member, contractor or volunteer may result in disciplinary action being taken against them in accordance with our policies, including and up to termination of employment or cessation of engagement or membership with the organisation.

In addition matters that indicate potential criminal conduct may be reported to police for investigation. 

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