How long have you been a TL member?
Since November 2019.
How long have you been a TL member?
Almost 1 year.
Why did you join? A lot of my friends had told me about the benefits of the toy library so when my son was old enough I joined.
What do you like about the Toy Library?
The variety of new toys we can borrow each time which means my son has a rotation of toys that he can use. Also that we they aren’t ours permanently so once he is too old for them I don’t have them cluttering up our house.
What is your committee role and what does it involve?
I chose a general committee role so I can help out lots of different areas who need a hand. I can still be involved in something fantastic like the toy library for the first time before I throw my hat in the ring for a bigger role.
Do you have a favourite toy/type of toy?
My son loves the construction vehicles.
Any tips for new members?
It’s such a fantastic idea and make the most of your membership. A must for any parent.